Caroline bikes down worlds most dangerous road..
...and doesnt die!
yep, mum, that bike ride i said i was going on was actually a moutain bike down officially "the worlds most dangerous road" as classified by some important group or other! And we even got to stop at a couple of points to watch wreckage of cars and buses that had gone over the edge. Its basically dangerous because the road is really narrow, the drop of the edge of the road is horrendously huge and the drivers here are actually felt safer on a bike where at least I could control stuff rather than in a kamikaze minibus.
Anyway, absolutely stunning ride going from snowcapped peaks (so thats why they tell you to wear a hundred layers) to the lush semi-tropical slopes in which i am now residing. We had gorgeous weather, not too much traffic, great guides and I now have the biggest adrenalin rush, as well as v sore forearms and bruised hands from breaking so much. Was actually rather scary for a girl who has never really gone down big hills before so was pretty much constantly breaking (and then panicing that i was breaking the wrong way - there are lots of rules for how not to die) but didnt humiliate myself by falling off / falling over / crashing into someone else or being the last by a long way. Indeed by the end i might have even gone above 4km/hr and was with the front group. Get me. Olympic mountain biker (do they ever have those) here i come! After the worlds most dangerous road whats a little moutain!
Am now holed up in lovely mountain hotel which is charging a fortune as the tours always end up here but the views are stunning and am v happy girly! now whats the betting i actuallz get out of bed tommorrow and go for the hike i have planned on doing???!!
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