fan men shouting
Football was quite fun yesterday, caused great confusion trying to buy our tickets (thought the man had run off with our money but turns out that the ticket machine had broken) ate hanburgers on the side of the road in true footie fan fashion, walked for about a mile to find the right entrance, then settled ourselves in the highest seats ever and i personally tried not to fall off! Apparently Marradona was there as well (according to helpful seat finding man)....I´m not convinced but Tom is adamant that there was a fat guy in the seats so took some photos! Anyway, in the Argentinian vs Brazilian fans competition I would have to say that the brazilian fans come in way ahead......actually even the ecuadorean fans with their home made torches beat the argentinian fans when it comes to spectacle. But the "hooligan" element of Boca (or the 12th player as they like to call themselves) did have a nice line in flags and songs so we cant be too dissmisive. Football was awful (please note moderated language mum) but we did win 2-1 so i got to cheer a bit.
oooh, fna man shouting refers to this delightful man who did a nice line in builders (hairy) bottom and large beer belly who would have fitted in better at the hooligan end but seemed to like spending a fortune (for argentinians) on a seat he never sat in....caused us great hilarity with his constant shouting at all 10 of the away fans.....guess you had to be there to fully appreciate him!
Then went for a walk around Boca which was nowhere near as dangerous as everyone makes out, found the touristy bit which isnt that exciting, got ripped off on a beer (got charged a table cover!) then Rachel made us walk all the way to San Telmo (only about 15mins but my calls for a ta xi were ignored!) for better beer and food. And thus ends todays exciting installment. Trying to build up the courage to get my ha ir cut today, but think i might not be brave enough.
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