So after discovering I can live without hairdryers/cadburys/heat magazine and having developed a killer tan that doesn't seem to fade (whilst failing to find the meaning of life but deciding its unimportant and far more fun to comare rums of different countries) I have decided to spend some time wandering round south america. Will I ever come back to work....will I get fluent in Spanish....will i get new blogger friends....find out here!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Slight panic

Right, rather unexpectedly I have suddenly started to panic in a rather large and scary way. Not really sure why but it might have something to do with my parents' complete and utter conviction that I will, in the next 4 months, end up either dead or minus all my worldly possessions.

Anyway, in order to conquer the aforementioned panic, I decided to be organised today and try and get everything ready. I thought this might convince me that I was, after all, grown up and responsible. So found my lost cuban visa (rather sensibly filed in my rubbish bin - have yet to mention this to parents!), told all my various banks / new credit card people that i was going away and could they therefore not cancel my cards when it is used in some strange outpost and then spent nearly £100 in Boots on "essentials" (pale blue travelling clock and toothbrush head covers anyone? Think I am missing x-mas panic buying!). As a little aside, how is it that although I have been on big trips every year since I was 18, I still dont have everything I need? How have i coped without a knife, fork and spoon set up to now???!!!. But, anyway, am happy to report (as you are no doubt ecstatic to read) that I have now done nearly everything on my list bar sorting out card insurance and getting a waterproof cover for rucksack.

So now all I have to do is pack all this stuff that is taking over the spare room and try and walk with it all on my back. Suspect that at this rate my hairdryer might have to be sacrificed after all.........

Friday, December 24, 2004

9 days to go

So, I have somehow managed to set up my very own blog thing to let me converse with the world at large (or 5 of my closest friends and family at any rate) as I potter my way around central america over the next 4 months. Who knew I could be so competant at something related to computers.....

Anyway, today was my last day in London and I am completely worn out after partying too much over the last month and a particularly emotional night last night with way too much red wine and amazing friends. Began to wonder what I was doing leaving all this behind....until the realisation hit that I dont have to go to work again for the next year. Suddenly the world seemed a little brighter and what I was doing made way more sense! And when it comes down to it, it still doesn't feel quite real that I am now an unemployed waster, technically living at home with the parents at the age of 26 and that in 9 days I will be flying to Guatemala. Just have to ignore everyone who tells me how brave I am, a statement seemingly specifically designed to scare the shit out of me......