best beach in brazil
Yep, visited the best beach in Brazil today (not sure who determines these things, but could be a nice job for me when i finish....will have lots of beach based experience!) and whilst it was absolutely gorgeous (wide, powdery sandy beach, clear blue ocean with fish all backed by lush jungle) the fact that it is so famous meant it was also v busy. not so much the peaceful idyll but certainly nothing to complain about! Also had a nice little boat trip there and back so all in all v sucessful day. Particularly because cafe molhado (or something) turned out to be full on banquet for brekkie and not coffee, as i had erroneously translated it as! Did Grandma proud and smuggled out hastily made ham and cheese roll and fruit for lunch (guess what made up brekkie) thus making our barginous room even more barginous!
Oooh, and had a massive 13hours sleep last night so am feeling full of beans tonight. Still keeping of the caiprinhas though....dont think my body can take any more acid for a while!
And honoured I am influencing your food choices vic, will definately keep my eyes peeled for it!
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