So after discovering I can live without hairdryers/cadburys/heat magazine and having developed a killer tan that doesn't seem to fade (whilst failing to find the meaning of life but deciding its unimportant and far more fun to comare rums of different countries) I have decided to spend some time wandering round south america. Will I ever come back to work....will I get fluent in Spanish....will i get new blogger friends....find out here!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

yo espero y espero

For the non-bilingual amongst you, that means I wait and I wait!

After a hellish morning yesterday trying to co-ordinate places where I could photocopy stuff, get my claim form up off e-mail, print said form, and finally find a place with a working international fax (this took 3 hours!) I finally managed to get all the pieces of paper sent off to the travellers cheque people and now I wait with baited breath to see if they will be nice! Never dreamt it would be this much hassle. Has meant that I am going to have to be slightly more organised with the remaining month I have in central america if I am to see anything at all!

Its wierd being in costa rica actually after 2 months of honduras and nicaragua, countries not know for their wealth. CR has a really different feel, the roads are well made, the people all drive cars that dont look like they are about to fall apart, no-one wears clothes that are second hand from America and there are loads of shops of expensive white/electrical goods and noce clothes. Not used to actually seeing things in shops that I might consider buying and it is all very strange! almost like culture shock!

Not much else to say really - just lounging, watching movies and engaging anyone who comes within a 10m radius of me in fractured spanish. Yesterday I made friends with my waiter (we had an "interesting" conversation about Titanic) and a security guard at a supermarket (I was queueing for my western union money - hurrah, have money again!


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