my new home
After a good 12 hours sleep am now able to think slightly more clearly and so am going to write a bit more (lucky you!) Forgot to tell you rather typical caroline story from yesterday.....when packing I carefully put my tweezers in my rucksack knowing that the authorities consider these to be highly dangerous items...unfortunately i forgot all about my beloved pen knife nestling carefully in a little bad in the bottom of my day pack! This wasnt spotted until i had to change planes in Lima and the rather officious man at the scanner spotted it ....grrr. So had to fill in a form and it was confiscated. Sob sob
Anyway, have the morning off today to relax before starting class this afternoon. Am living with two lovely women who are both rather crazy and seem to have adopted the local pakistani and indian community. So there is always someone hanging out in the lounge and this morning I was fed a samosa for brekkie! A lovely samosa but rather too much for 8.30am!!!! Their house is also by the quitoan equivalent of the M25 so was rocked to sleep by the house gently shaking as buses and lorries went by. I am really close to the old centre though which is beautiful and surprisingly un-gringofied. This does mean that I am a least a foot taller than everyone else and so have a clear view wherever I go!!! I am also feeling the effects of the altitude somewhat and am having to slow my pace right down so I am not huffing and puffing everywhere (well, I´m blaming this on the altitude, it could also be my complete lack of exercise and continual eating /drinking for the past 2 months!)
After the calm of Brazil, am also back in the world of cat calls and hissing - hurrah! Had only been out the house 10mins this morning and had 2 mumbled comments, a wolf whistle and a rather persistant hisser...although given that the preferred woman here is short and dumpy, not really sure how to take it
Eek, have rather obnoxious american by me getting irate that the internet service isnt up to scratch.....might have to strangle him soon!
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